YCN in Stockholm

Stockholm ExhibitionBoatssnowysarahsnowyduncanexhibition2exhibition3..so we went to Stockholm for the private view where you can see my little piece, which i have posted. Its a piece I produced earlier this year and YCN kindly wanted to display it at their exhibition in Stockholm. We networked and mingled with many fine swedes and gave out a few of our fancy crayonlegs badges(please get in touch with us-sarah@crayonlegs.com- if you fancy the look of them and maybe we’ll post you one out-see Duncans post for images). It was cold and even snowed but we had a lot of fun and thank YCN for a fun evening! Please click on the thumbnails to see the bigger picture!

YCN at the RCA

This is a piece that was displayed at the Young Creative Networks exhibition at the Royal College of Art at the beginning of this month.Show Off exhibition piece