
I’m now in Muzychi! – a village just outside of Kiev. I’m here for one month staying with the artist Alevtina Kakhidze. Ale and her husband Vova are lovely and welcoming people. They cooked me dinner in their garden last night where I discovered Mustard leaves – oh my goodness, if you haven’t tasted them, I recommend you hunt them down.. so delicious… My hosts have three dogs – Penelop who is a beautiful friendly playful soul, Deer who is quite poorly at the moment and enjoys chocolate, and Bukowski, whose name does him justice – he’s a little on the more aggressive side.

You can now follow me on instagram to see lots of photos! I’m crayonlegs of course, so look me up. More soon.



Oh and one last thing – I am going to this tomorrow.. If you didn’t know already, I really like dogs… Which is probably a good thing as they are everywhere in Muzychi!


dog show



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