Monthly Archives: September 2008

First Issue of Tight Fit zine OUT NOW!

So, hooray! The crayonlegs new zine is now printed ad ready to sell sell sell. You can purchase it here at our crayonlegs shop for three quid, not only does it feature myself and duncans fancy drawings but also all these gems pieces of art: Craig Atkinson, Adrian Fleet, Marcus Oakley, Stuart Kolakovic, Nick White, Matthew Rains, Jessy Deacon and my bro Mark Lippett 🙂

(Also features the full literal facial hair series!)

Speedy Guardian Sports column

Heres last Saturdays sports column illo for Russell Brands article. I only had 45 minutes to read, get an idea and draw this baby, speedy illustrating, perhaps not at its best – but my best within the time limitation!

Exhibition Time..woo

Me and fellow crayonleg Duncan Barrett are taking part in this wonderful exhibition displaying many wonderful illustrators work at Rough Trade Record Store, Brick Lane, London. The private view is on the 2nd October, so if your about please do come and join us!