Monthly Archives: February 2009

Tight Fit Issue 2: Nuts Issue OUT NOW!

Issue 2 is out now! Tight FIt arrived in the post this morning. Hooray! Head towards the crayonlegs shop to purchase your copy! Photos of the inside will be available shortly – if you want to know what your getting! However I can assure you its super stuff! Including contributions from superstar illustrator extraordinaire Nora Krug, anti-folk star Jeffrey Lewis and super illustrators Simon Wild, Nick White and others!

Agnew..and cricket an evil sheriff for The Guardian.

Another sports column illo on the chaotic state of cricket. yes. click on the pic to get the bigger version!

Sneaky Nut!

Heres another insight into the next issue of tight fit..coming so very very soon – and thats no lie!

Can you ‘Handel’ it?

Hurrah! This is the Handel design i have been working on for a Kunststuecke gallery in Halle, Germany. It is about to be made into a porcelain medal – wowser! The lovely Thomas Steuber from the gallery is going to send me a copy!! How exciting..I will post a photie of it once i receive one 🙂

I have been interviewed HERE:

Take a peek at Jeff Andrews interview with me at his marvellous design inspiration blog

Record shoppin is flippin rockin’! for Plan B magazine

i had a lot of fun drawing an odd little record shop, i think its my favourite drawing of 2009 so far! Click on the pic for a BIG version yeah!

Tight Fit 2 COVER

This is the new cover of tight for issue 2, click on the image to see the big version. The next mag should be printed by the end of the month ready for sale. Contributers will include Nora Krug and Jeff Lewis!