Monthly Archives: October 2011

Lippett & Gaston at the Bust Craftacular in London

Emma Gaston (the one who makes the lovely ceramics) and I (the one who draws on them) shall be selling our lovely pots and mugs at the Bust Christmas Craft Fair in Bethnal Green in London on the 27th November. Please do come along and say “Hi”. I will be selling my usual zines and prints and a few extra suprises too! – so come on down. More info here

Here’s one I made earlier this year that was displayed at the Girls Who Draw exhibition back in May:

Bigger and better

Here are some quite terrible photographs of a horse series I am working on – these are A1 and A2. They are going to get bigger. Duncan wants me to draw 100, so far Ive drawn 4. They take a couple of hours each to make, as drawing the lines to create the texture of their coats takes such a long time. It’s nice to work on a bigger scale for a change.

I’m not sure why I’m drawing them, only that I started. I toyed with the idea of adding a rider, but came to the conclusion that it would make a different point. It would make us feel completely different towards the horse – viewing it as a pet, caged, restricted…I like the wildness in the drawings, the freedom of movement.

Perhaps I’m talking nonsense!! All I do know is that I’m enjoying the process.