Monthly Archives: February 2012

New Project: The Terra Nova Expedition

Ive been spending some time researching Robert Scotts last expedition. Here are a few sketches. Ive still got a lot of work to do before I can start to make my new comic – but this is a taster! Let me know what you think – hope it makes you feel chilly!

Crayonlegs painted a mural.

Duncan and I spent last Sunday and Monday painting the walls of Caboose Cafe in Ramsgate. The mural is of Ramsgate and is our first collaborative piece! The beautiful cafe/bar will be open by the 6th March and Duncans band Tigercats will be playing a show there on the 16th – come along and check out the mural to the sounds of the ‘Cats.

Ryan O’Reilly ‘The Blighted Apple Artwork’

I have been drawing the album cover for Ryan O’Reilly’s new album. I used ink instead of pencil and no digital colour 🙂 Its been fun working with a fresh approach to a project.

Ryan O’Reilly Poster