Monthly Archives: February 2016

Installing artwork at Royal Stoke hospital

Yesterday I spent the day installing two large scale wall vinyls at the Royal Stoke hospital. The local paper, The Sentinel came along and wrote a few words about the project. You can have a read here

The corridors at the minor injuries department in the A&E at Royal Staffordshire University Hospital are to be brightened up following the unveiling two new murals. Seen here unveiling the works are artist Sarah Lippett, right and A&E nurse practitioner Amanda Nayiager


Welcome to the brand spanking new!

Here it finally is! WELCOME to the new spangly The wonderful David Zacharis of Smittens fame built this wonderful gem for me to show off my work. BIG thanks and love to David for making it happen and for doing such an awesome job.

I will be updating this site regularly again and blogging away. So enjoy and keep checking in to see what’s new. I’ll be posting all sorts of exciting news, photos and drawings very soon, so watch this space…

Sarah x