Monthly Archives: August 2016

It’s been a while…

So it’s been a little while since I last posted… I have been taking a much needed two week break in Croatia, but back on home turf and art-wise, lots has been happening, some of which I can disclose now! I am illustrating a new book from the marvellous Joanna Grochowicz who has written a smashing account of Robert Scott’s tragic journey to the south pole entitled ‘Into The White’ for older children with Allen and Unwin. I have also been selected as one of six UK based artists to spend one month in the Ukraine as an artist in residence. I will be in residence at the artist Alevtina Kakhidze studio in the village of Muzychi for the whole of September – very exciting indeed. Expect plenty of posts from me! And more exciting news as and when I can reveal!

In the meantime – here’s a little drawing from my sketchbook. Dubrovnik Airport from above:
